Friday, July 06, 2012

Bad news for Qualcomm's Mirasol eReader display

GoodEReader reports that Kyobo, the South Korean bookstore chain that launched the first eReader using Qualcomm's low-power color Mirasol display, has discontinued the device. Existing inventory of the readers will continue to be sold, but no more will be built. The Kyobo eReader sold for the equivalent of $300, when far more powerful and functional tablets were available for the same price or less.

According to GoodEReader, Qualcomm's Mirasol display technology has never caught on with manufacturers. Only a few minor manufacturers have adopted the display, and none of their devices have been successful. It's increasingly looking like Mirasol is one of many display technologies that would have been successful had it shipped earlier, but that failed to keep up with technology and market changes.
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